Ketamine Infusion Cost

Price of Ketamine Infusions Ranges from $400 to $2000 Each

Ketamine infusion costs between $400 and $2000 per infusion, depending on the provider, location, ketamine dose, duration of infusion, and the condition being treated.

Ketamine infusion cost

Costs will depend on the ketamine infusion dose used per treatment. Some conditions like depression require a lower concentration of ketamine than the concentration for pain conditions. This is especially true because pain conditions usually require much longer infusions that last a few hours. The infusion must carry enough medicine to last the entire duration. Hence, ketamine infusion costs have a wide range.

Ketamine cost for depression

Ketamine infusion for depression usually costs $400 to $800 per treatment, and most ketamine clinics perform a series of 6 treatments over 2 to 3 weeks. Some providers offer 4 treatments over 1 to 2 weeks.

Several ketamine clinics will evaluate whether or not the patient responds to the first infusion before proceeding with subsequent infusions. The majority of ketamine providers seem to request an upfront payment for a complete set of 4 to 6 infusions. Depending on the price per infusion, this can cost the patient anywhere from $1600 to $4800 for a full series of IV ketamine treatments for depression.

Ketamine cost for pain

Ketamine infusion for pain usually costs between $700 to $2000 per treatment due to the fact that more ketamine drug is used per infusion and the infusions last longer. Some ketamine doctors might offer a single ketamine infusion to treat pain, while most perform a series of anywhere from 2 to 8 infusions for pain. The majority of ketamine providers seem to request an upfront payment for a complete set of IV ketamine infusions. Depending on the cost per infusion, a patient can expect to pay anywhere from $1400 to over $12,000 for a full series of IV ketamine treatments for pain.

After the initial treatments, patients usually require maintenance IV ketamine therapy. Maintenance ketamine treatments usually cost between $400 to $800 per treatment. Maintenance ketamine is used to keep depression and/or pain symptoms under control. Usually, maintenance treatment is required once per month. Some providers may advise infusions twice a month, while others provide ketamine maintenance less frequently or on an as-needed basis.

Ketamine infusion cost for PTSD, OCD, and other conditions

For other conditions such as PTSD and OCD, the cost of ketamine therapy is usually between $400 to $800 per treatment. Patients may require anywhere from a few to a dozen infusions to successfully treat complex psychiatric symptoms. Doctors treating PTSD, OCD, and other psychiatric conditions with ketamine use dosing strategies that are not standardized. At the time of the writing of this article, there are no standard guidelines for the dosing and administration of IV ketamine.

Shop around and ask some questions

It is wise for the patient to shop around a little since prices for ketamine therapy varies greatly depending on location and condition. Some patients may have a few ketamine clinics in their region, in which case it may be worth asking for a discount or bundled promotion. Patients may want to ask for how many years a clinic has been up and running. Clinics are often willing work with the needs of patients and are usually happy to answer questions. Some clinics offer payment plans using third-party borrowers which allow people to receive ketamine therapy who otherwise may not have the ability to get treatment. If a patient does use a payment plan, then we recommend that the patient ask some questions of the third-party borrower such as penalties for late payments, fixed vs variable interest rates, and repayment terms. Patients can also ask for referrals.